Took me a while
But I'm finally here
I just wanna testify
Make it crystal clear
See I've been picked out
To be picked on
Talked about out my friend's mouth
I've been beat down
Til He turned my life around
(turned my life around)
Seems like I always fall short of bein worthy
Cuz I aint good enough
but He still loves me
I aint no superstar
The spotlight aint shinin on me
(no no no no no)
cuz I aint good enough
but He still loves me
Loves me
I used to wake up some days
and wish I'd stayed asleep
cuz i went to bed on top of the world
today the world's on top of me
everybody's got opinions
(they share)
They aint been in my position
(they don't care)
that it breaks my heart when I hear what they have to say about me yeah
(what they say)
A tu fragment piosenki z filmu Wojna Pokus (Fighting Temptations) Polecam!
5 komentarzy:
zajefajne:) ostatnie - moja nowa tapeta:D pozdro;*
hehe... super super :)
świetne... najbardziej podoba mi się 1 :PP
Zima :/ nie jest to moja faworytka, ale same zdjęcia good :)
wow, na pierwszej fotce ladnie uchwycilas wiszacego symbioda z spidermana xD ;]
wyrazy podziwu :D
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